0117 428 1042 getmediation@gmail.com
What Have Blue Aliens Got To Do with It?
I want to share an article that shows something that could be a very useful key to unlocking disputes. It’s also a kind of companion piece on the subject of how others see us.

I thought this may interest you as a fellow specialist with an interest in the business of conflict resolution.

I have my fingers crossed you’re going to accidentally going to read it!

It’s one I really think you’ll actually be genuinely glad to read. What’s it got to do with blue aliens, you say..? Well…

We’ve probably all seen the movie Avatar, and if you think about it as a tale of conflict, rather than just a story about blue aliens, then it has something to say about mediation and the dynamics of humans engaged in a dispute.

In the movie, the characters use the phrase “I see you!” and in that there’s a key to unlocking some disputes. We all know that people like the concept of their “day in court” and we ascribe that to a need to be “heard”. 

I think that underlying the need to be heard is a need to be “seen”. We feel most comfortable with people who we feel see us the way we see ourselves, and I believe that sits in the subconscious below the veneer of the ostensible “need to be heard”. I think that acknowledging this can be a fundamental to unlocking a conflict.

Naturally, mediation maven Tammy Lenski gives a much more eloquentexplanation on the link above…

In the meantime, until the next time, Stay Vigilant (and keep watching the skies)!