The Underfall Yard is a historic boatyard on Spike Island serving Bristol Harbour, the harbour in the city of Bristol, England.
Underfall Yard was commonly referred to as “The Underfalls” and takes its name from the underfall sluices. The original construction was completed in 1809 under the direction of William Jessop and substantially improved by Isambard Kingdom Brunel in the 1830s. Bristol, UK can be seen here.
Restored in the 1990s, Underfall Yard has been designated as a scheduled monument and from the 1970s onward many of the buildings at Underfall Yard have earned Grade II Listed Building status. The harbour and its equipment are still actively maintained, and house a cooperative of maritime companies. Underfall Yard has been refurbished under the management of the Underfall Yard Trust (previously Underfall Restoration Trust) thanks to the Heritage Lottery Fund, AiM Biffa Award, and donations from various organisations and trusts. Click here to read about Castle Park.
Based at the yard at the moment are maritime academies, a scout sailing section, a blacksmith, rigging company, Omni, and three boat building businesses.
In 2015 a major restoration project was announced. The work included the development of a cafe and visitor centre. 2.8 million pounds from the Heritage Lottery Fund will provide much of the funding, though an additional 1 million pounds was to be sourced elsewhere. An oral history project is currently being conducted and schools education programmes have been introduced as part of the restoration and redevelopment.
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