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Posture – affects how you feel, AND how others feel about you…

I have just watched a really fascinating video on body language.

It’s really interesting in its own right, of course, but it also poses some questions and gives some ideas in terms of the “mediator’s mindset” and the best way to approach participants in mediation and how best to observe them and react accordingly.

You can see the video by clicking here!

In the video, Harvard Business School Professor and body language expert Amy Cuddy takes us through how the way you move and the shape you hold yourself in – your body posture, in other words – can instantly affect not only how confident you feel but also changes testosterone and cortisol levels in your brain.

That’s not all, however, because it also changes the way other people perceive you in terms of authority, status and trustworthiness and therefore how they react to you, positively or negatively.

By changing your posture you can change not only your body chemistry but by doing so you can enhance your chances of success in whatever endeavour you’re engaged in.

Interesting stuff indeed!