0117 428 1042 getmediation@gmail.com

GetMediation London

Solving Your Disputes in London. Boosting the Bottom Line. Giving You Your Life Back...

Our London Mediators Are Here To Help You

…because if you can be completely dispassionate – which is really hard when the litigation blood is up – then, without a doubt, mediation is absolutely the single best thing you can do to solve your dispute. Mediation will resolve your issues and all the while it will help keep your relationships intact, or rescue them. Mediation will also keep much more of your own money in your own pocket and it’ll save you a huge amount of time and keep more of your sanity.

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

What if we add that over 90% of the cases we are involved income to an agreed, successful settlement – in just ONE day?

Put simply, in London, Mediation is always the quickest way you’ll get resolution, and the cheapest. And it is the way of the least emotional stress too.

So… get started now and just Call Us on 0207 164 6438

Although we have mediators located all around the major cities in the UK, this page gives you info about our mediation office in London.

In London and the South East, our GetMediation mediators will come to you. They’ll give you the the clarity and perspective to explore a result that you’ll be content to agree. The settlement you negotiate with their help will be one you’ve had full input into. Having had your say on all the issues that really concern you,  and this deep input into the process it’s no wonder that the settlement you make is so much more successful than anything a court can dictate to you.

Our London Mediators are the expert facilitators that will make that happen for you.

At GetMediation London, we’re devoted advocates of mediation. We absolutely love what we do because we love to help people.

Or mediated solutions are just so much better than the grind and expense of the court process, and when they use us people feeling anxious and exhausted by the litigation process (just like you) find that they rediscover some joy in their lives. When the weight of the endless arguements, anxiety and expense fall away they find they get their peace of mind back after having completely forgotten it even existed whilst going through the torture of their lengthy dispute.

Imagine how good you’d feel if you could find a solution to all this stress in just ONE day, and walk away without all the weight and expense that you’re experiencing right now…

Doesn’t that sound better than what’s going on now, as you get ready to face a court battle? You already know that’s a battle you can’t “win”, where the result is completely up in the air and totally out of your own hands when it’s finally “handed down” to you from a complete stranger…

If what we can do for you does sound better, then you’re in the right place. Get in touch with us today and let’s help you move forward…. 

"It felt so good to put this behind me and get on with life and business again. My accountant was delighted too!"

GetMediation London

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"It felt great to be in control again. I felt I was heard - and I got what I wanted most in the end."

Mediation is faster, cheaper and get better results than litigation ever can. AND you design the settlement, not a random judge…

Mediation in London

London is quite simply the beating heart of the United Kingdom, and one of the world’s greatest commercial centres.

More than half of the world’s commercial contracts use English law to govern them.

As a result London is probably the world’s litigation capital too.

Every year, more and more businesses and their lawyers use mediation to resolve those litigation disputes for all the reasons you read about above.

Mediation is simply the best way to get the best result when you have a dispute.

It costs less. It’s quicker. The result is one you have a deep input into. You get the result most often after just ONE day of mediation…

In London, as in all such thriving centres of commerce, commercial disputes WILL occur. That’s just a fact of life.

Every day businesses will fall out over deals, and within the workplace colleagues will also regularly become embroiled in disputes.

All around the city of London and everywhere there are human beings, people will fall in love everyday and they’ll become partners and sometimes get married.

Unfortunately sometimes these relationships will need help too.

When people fall out, however they fall out, GetMediation London can improve what happens next.

So, should you find yourself or your business in a dispute that is likely to become litigious – and especially if you’re already on the way to court armed with lawyers, then let us help you get a better result…

Because In London and the South East, GetMediation London gives you the very best in Commercial, Workplace and Family Mediation.

It’s a fact that our mediators will help you resolve your dispute in the majority cases and by using us you’ll almost certainly save yourself an enormous chunk of time, money and stress.

Because mediation with GetMediation works and produces an agreed settlement in around 90% of our cases.

So, keep more of your money and simply get on with your life.

If you know you want to put an end to your litigation, then GetMediation is the place to call.

We want to hear from you, so… Get in Touch. It’s easy.

Just call us on 0207 164 6438

Or use our quick and easy form on our website, and…

Let’s begin to resolve your disputes and issues and let you get on with your life today…

"I was sceptical it could be done - but the mediator pulled it off, and we signed an agreement and put an end to years of fighting."

GetMediation London: Gives you a Confidential, Voluntary and Safe process where YOU Have Control  Over The Outcomes You Agree…


Commercial Mediation

Find the best Commercial Mediators in London and the South East…

Workplace Mediation

Solve Your workplace disputes with the best Workplace Mediators…

Mediation for Families

Maintain and sustain relationships, lower stress and save money…

Property Mediation

Mediation canhelp solve the most intractable property disputes…


Inheritance Mediation

Mediation calms the choppy waters of inheritance disputes…


Confidentiality is the cornerstone of mediation. It is the concept that underpins the whole process. The fact that all discussions are confidential gives everyone involved in the process complete confidence to be open, and honest, and it allows the mediator to explore with each of the parties the fundamentals of their motivations and desires, emotionally and financially.

Confidentiality in mediation is essential to getting to the nub of problems that would never see the light of day in a court setting and in getting to solutions that accommodate and recognise these needs, which standard litigation could never begin to address. 90% of our mediations will find a settlement, but even in the unlikely event that no agreement emerges, everything said in a mediation is “without prejudice” – so it can never be repeated, especially in court.


Since mediation is a voluntary process it is something that both parties must undertake willingly. In fact, there are cost implications if one doesn’t engage with it constructively because courts view mediation so positively for the benefits it brings. So, while mediation isn’t mandatory, it is strongly encouraged and very much the best thing anybody involved in litigation can do.

It is true that most parties will see the advantage that mediation offers, and when they do they will come to it in this voluntary and progressive fashion. The day of mediation allows the antagonism of litigation to be put aside and for the parties to work through areas of their own commercial or emotional self-interest. This is what produces such overwhelmingly positive outcomes, and why there’s so much to gain and so very little to lose for parties when they agree to mediation.


When parties to the mediation are able to put the dry structure of the litigation process aside for the day, then novel and innovative solutions can emerge that defy the confines of the court process.

The confidentiality of the process allows anything to be floated to put together a deal and ideas can be proposed and abandoned without any worry that such a notion might be prejudicial to the case, or used against one in a court setting.

This is when the parties themselves, rather than their lawyers can come to the fore and solutions that get to the heart of their dispute – and the issues and emotions that underlie it, can be addressed and satisfied so that the parties themselves structure their own settlement – and it is one they have fashioned and have been in control of, not something inflexible, imposed by a court.

"When the mediation finished with a settlement, I was so relieved. And I felt so free - for the first time in years!"

We’re here to help. So, simply get in touch with us and we’ll begin working for you right away…

Effectively Facilitate Agreed Solutions

An agreed settlement is a huge benefit to all the parties in a dispute, but it’s difficult to achieve. So having access a completely independent, experienced and impartial “wise head” is invaluable in breaking the deadlock. Such a helpful, neutral facilitator – with objectivity and no preconceptions or bias – will solve around 90% of even the mist seemingly intractable disputes. That relief at putting a dispute behind you is the real advantage of effectively agreed solutions!

Inventive And Appropriate Results

An experienced and skilled mediator will help both the parties to a dispute to think about the real nub of fundamentals and actual self-interest, as opposed to just anger. This often results in inventive solutions that unlock the dispute and present real commercial advantages that simply wouldn’t be thought of, or even available to them in any court-imposed “verdict”. The lifting of the heavy burden of litigation is the reward, from such inventive and appropriate agreements!

Experience Pays, Cost Effectively

Clearly you want know that you’re in safe hands – and GetMediation has some of the UK’s leading accredited civil and commercial mediators at your disposal. They are all fully qualified and experienced, having participated in numerous mediations for both claimants and defendants. This means as well as regain your peace of mind, you’ll also find that the mediation is incredibly cost-effective. You can be free of turmoil, and get on with your life without spending huge amounts of money on arguments. Refreshing! 

"I think my client was even happier than I was with the outcome."

We’re here to help. So, simply get in touch with us and we’ll begin working for you right away…

Commercial Mediation Is A Real Growth Market - For Good Reason - Because It Works!
Commercial Mediation Goes From Strength To Strength - Take Advantage. Find Our More...

In the UK, the Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) do a bi-annual audit of the “state of mediation”, and this is the most considered study available for mediation in the country.

The most recent CEDR mediation audit shows that over 12,000 commercial mediations (in other works higher value cases that exclude small claims) were undertaken in their last survey.  This is a huge increase of over 20% on the previous survey of 2016.

The study demonstrates that in the last audited year nearly £12 billion-worth of litigation claims were successfully mediated. 

Just as impressively, the survey states that this mediation has saved those businesses over £3 billion in legal fees and wasted time!  

The CEDR audit was conducted from a survey of 336 experienced practising mediators alongside the lawyers and barristers who used them for their mediations to give an extra perspective from a “client” point of view.  The survey was also conducted in collaboration and with the endorsement of the Civil Mediation Council and in partnership with the International Institute of Conflict Prevention and Resolution adding an international mediation perspective. 

The survey revealed some very interesting things, such as:

  • That mediation is on the rise and growing in popularity with some really remarkable growth statistics. For example, organised mediation supported by the NHS, by County Court mediation pilots and by the Court of Appeal has shown growth of more than 45% in the past 2 years.  Such organised mediation now accounts for around 4,500 cases per annum.
  •  However, even in the case of ad hoc referrals from the public or by solicitors resulting in individual mediation cases, the use of mediation has still shown double figure growth.
  • The survey shows an overall growth rate up by more than 20%.
  • That mediation continues to enjoy an outstanding success rate. The aggregate settlement rate reported is 89%.  At GetMediation we can report a success rate of over 90% which corroborates this overall picture.  Settlement rates were reported by the mediators in the survey but validated by the separate survey taken from solicitors and barristers.
  • The lawyers themselves stated that in their opinion over 83% of mediators performed well or very well.
  • Mediation fees showed a significant drop of 19.34% to an average of £3,627 from over £4,500 in 2016. This goes to show that as well as maintaining, or increasing, the rate of successful settlements, mediation is proving itself to be even more cost effective for participants.

Graham Massie, Director of CEDR, author of the Audit Report, gave an overview of the great success mediation is having in the UK legal landscape:

“One definition of Disruptive Innovation is: ‘An innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market-leading firms, products, and alliances‘. As the results of this Audit demonstrate, mediation qualifies under virtually every aspect of the definition – the only point it hasn’t hit is ’displacing established market-leading firms‘ but that is because it has over-achieved by changing law firms and lawyers’ behaviours and attitudes.”

So, it is official: Mediation Goes From Strength To Strength!