0117 428 1042 getmediation@gmail.com

Family Mediation

Helping You Put Pain And Conflict In The Past. Restoring Your Peace of Mind. Saving You Money And Stress.

Family Mediation

Why Should You Do It?

Simply because mediation is the most effective way to solve issues amongst a couple – both emotionally and financially.

We could also say you should do it because a divorce court will take a very dim view if you don’t at least try to engage with mediation, but actually the real benefits to embrace the idea speak for themselves much more as a carrot than talking about the penalties for not doing so, as a kind of “stick”.

So, family mediation gives you the very best, most cost-effective way to iron out all the difficult matters that a split presents for you and your family.

It’s appropriate wherever you are in the separation timeframe. You might be at the very beginning, thinking about a separation; you may have been separated for a while; you may be about to commence actual divorce proceedings; or you may have already engaged lawyers.

Whatever the circumstances, two things always apply:

  1. Constructive communication is always better than antagonistic confrontation.
  2. The sooner that happens, the better – even if you don’t do it right away, the process will always proceed in a much smoother, simpler and more amicable way as soon as you do.

"After an awful lot of angry words the mediation day was an incredible relief and walking out afterwards felt like the weight of the world had gone."

Mediation: £960

Average Cost for a Couple in the UK

Using our Family Mediation Service for a Divorce and Financial Settlement.

Divorce: £21,979

Average Cost Per Person in the UK

For a Divorce and Financial Settlement using Solicitors.

Divorce: £43,958

Average Cost Per Couple in the UK

For a Divorce and Financial Settlement using Solicitors.

"The mediator was kind and helped my partner and I begin talking again. It was such a relief to come to an agreement and move forward."

Family Mediation – Things To Think About

When you begin to consider the kinds of things that you’ll need to find common ground on, mediation is so obviously the most constructive way to achieve a satisfactory result that will work for everybody and give a solution that everyone can agree and live with.

Family mediation will provide agreement over what happens when an answer is needed to questions like:

  • How is the family home going to be dealt with? Is it, as in most cases, the main family asset?
  • If the family home is going to be sold to provide capital, then in what way will the proceeds be divided?
  • Where is everyone going to live, and with whom?
  • What time will the children get to spend with each party?
  • What about holidays and special events like birthdays and Christmas?
  • How will finances work? In other words, how will each of you afford to live and provide for yourselves and your children in the short term, in the medium term, and into the foreseeable future.
  • How will other financial aspects be dealt with? These can include things like pensions, investments, savings and even the division of personal possessions.

It’s a lot to agree, and trying to do so in an aggressive, argumentative atmosphere is obviously stressful and counterproductive for everyone.

"We were fighting so hard we forgot what mattered to us. The mediator helped us find our way again."

First Steps – Miam Meetings


The first meeting with a family mediator is a “Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting”, known as a “MIAM”, or simply a “First meeting”.

The MIAM is normally a legal requirement in any event if you’re divorcing or planning on taking a case to court.

You don’t have to attend the same MIAM meeting as your former partner, and you may be eligible for legal aid to cover costs for the meeting (or even the whole process).

At this first meeting, the family mediator will let you know how mediation works, and will help you decide whether mediation is the correct thing to do for you and your family. They’ll also let you know about the time frames and likely costs involved for you.


Top 5 Reason To Mediate


Family Mediation Simply Saves You And Your Children From As Much Stress As Possible

That’s why family mediation is so very successful. If you’re separating or divorcing, then you need to begin the right way. We can help you save a huge amount of time, money and stress, so if that sounds good to you then please get in touch with us today and we’ll get to work to help you move forward in the very best way…

To Move Forward Just Contact Us Now...

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