0117 428 1042 getmediation@gmail.com

Mediation Complaints Procedure

If I Have A Problem With Mediation Can I Complain and How?

GetMediation Complaints Procedure

GetMediation Is Commited To The Highest Standards

GetMediation is fully committed to providing you with the best possible mediation service in accordance with the very highest standards of honesty, integrity, quality and value for money.

Good communication is essential to all good relationships and we will always strive to assist you with any concerns that you may have following your mediation.

We are always looking for ways to improve our service to clients, which is why we always seek individual feedback on your mediator’s performance. However, in the unlikely event that you are dissatisfied with your mediation process, we will respond quickly and efficiently to your concerns.

Complaints Procedure

If you do have a concern or a complaint, our procedure has a simple 3 Step Process.

  1. Please contact your mediator and raise your concern. You can do this either orally, or in writing however, we suggest that you do it writing so that if you don’t feel that your mediator has been able to resolve the matter for you, then moving to Step 2 is much easier.


  1. If you don’t feel your complaint has been satisfactorily resolved then please contact Brian McKibbin at GetMediation. Brian is a qualified mediator himself and his personal email address is brianfmckibbin@gmail.com.


Brian will need you to give him the following details:

  • Your name and full contact details
  • The name of your mediator
  • The date of your mediation
  • Any previous correspondence with the mediator (as per Step 1)
  • A clear description of your concerns (if not covered above)
  • Details of any suggestions or ideas you may have as to how the problem could be resolved
  • Any other relevant documents which might assist in addressing the issue

Brian will then contact you in response within five working days of receipt of your communication. Within twenty one working days, we will contact you with the results of our investigations and any proposals which we recommend to resolve the issue.

In the event that you are dissatisfied with our response, we will refer you to Step 3.

Further Steps

  1. Step 3 is where the appropriate professional body will take over your complaint.

In the case of civil and commercial mediations this will be the civil and commercial professional body, the Civil Mediation Council (CMC).

The process here is simple – the CMC maintains a panel of experienced mediators to resolve complaints that have not been satisfactorily resolved in Steps 1 and 2 above.

The procedure for using the scheme begins by making contact with the CMC Registrar at registrar@civilmediation.org who will establish (1) that the complaint is about a member; and (2) that the complaint has been through and exhausted the member’s own complaints process. The Registrar will then organise a mediation under the CMC Complaints Resolution Service.

"I was sceptical it could be done - but the mediator pulled it off, and we signed an agreement and put an end to years of fighting."